Categories: Cakar Ayam



Look at me

You may think you see who I really am

But you’ll never know me

Ev’ry day

It’s as if I play a part

Now  I see

If I wear a mask

I can fool the world

But I cannot fool my heart

Who is that girl I see?

Staring straight back at me?

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside?

I am now

In a world where I have to hide my heart

And what I believe in

But somehow I will show the world

What’s inside my heart

And be loved for who I am

Who is that girl I see

Staring straight back at me?

Why is my reflection someone I don’t know?

Must I pretend that I’m

Someone else for all time?

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside?


There’s a heart that must be free to fly

That burns with a need to know the reason why

Why must we all conceal

What we think

How we feel

Must there be a secret me

I’m forced to hide?

I won’t pretend that i’m

Someone else

For all time

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside?

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside?


Seorang ibu dari anak yang bernama Andara (Adis). Sehari-hari mengajar di sebuah SMP. Meluangkan waktu senggang untuk menulis di blog mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari, flash fiction, dan puisi. Saat ini memiliki target menyelesaikan kumpulan puisi berbahasa Inggris. Untuk melihat profil lebih lanjut dapat mengunjungi media sosial berikut ini:

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