Categories: english corner

Contoh Teks Deskriptif: My Favorite Cartoon “Spongebob Square Pants”

Hello! This is my English corner. So, in this page you’ll see some English lesson.

Now, I am going to tell you about descriptive text.

Descriptive text consist of:

a. Identification.

It is a profile, name, kind or other identity of someone, thing, place, or animal that you would like to describe

b. Description

It is about characteristic of someone, thing, place, or animal. Such as the size, color, hair, tall, face, etc.

so, this is an example of descriptive text, entitled “My Favorite Cartoon Spongebob Square Pants” check this out!

I love watching cartoon very much. My favorite cartoon is Spongebob Square Pants. He is yellow and square. He wears white shirt and square pants too. He also wears red tie, black shoes and white socks. He has big eyes, wide mouth and long nose.

Spongebob lives in a pineapple house at Bikini Bottom. He works in Krusty Krab restaurant with his friend Squidword. He cooks Crabby Patty Sandwich there and serves the customers. His best friend is the star, Patrick. They love playing together all daylong.

I always watch this cartoon everyday. Spongebob is a very unique and funny cartoon. He always makes me laugh when I watch him. I wish I will meet him and eat his delicious sandwich, soon.

that’s it! A  very simple and easy example of descriptive text. How about you? Do you have a favorite cartoon, too? Can you tell me what is it? Please, describe it with your own words. You can see this text as your guide.

see you later, in my another English corner!


Seorang ibu dari anak yang bernama Andara (Adis). Sehari-hari mengajar di sebuah SMP. Meluangkan waktu senggang untuk menulis di blog mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari, flash fiction, dan puisi. Saat ini memiliki target menyelesaikan kumpulan puisi berbahasa Inggris. Untuk melihat profil lebih lanjut dapat mengunjungi media sosial berikut ini:

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